Agencies Serving North Berkshire:
Provides independent living and specialized services for people with disabilities: home health care, counseling, etc.
85 Main St. 4th Floor North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413-663-6200 Website:
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Berkshire County's Fair; promoting agricultural, horticultural and home arts. Fun time for friends, neighbors, and families to get together.
PO BOX 124 Bowe Field/Rte 8 Adams, MA 01220 Phone: 413-212-2412 Website:
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Programs, outreach, referrals, meals, and transportation for adults age 60+.
Teaching the game of baseball to the youth of Adams, Cheshire, and Savoy since 1951. Promoting sportsmenship, respect toward self and other people with focus on mastering baseball,not winning.
Elder all day care/comprehensive services.
Blood Services; Disaster Services and Emergency Services; Health and Safety programs including CPR/medical training, Nurse Assistant Training Program.
Fuel, weatherization,emergency assistance; Free Tax preparation; Budgeting&financial; school supplies; Christmas gift assistance; transportation
10 Ashland St. 1531 East Street, Pittsfield, Ma. 0120 North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 663-3014 Phone 2: (413) 445-4503 Main Office Website:
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4-H is a youth development program focusing on youth 5-18 years of age. Most work is done through 4-H Clubs that meet and work with youth on projects
78 Center Street Suite 206 Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-448-8285 Website:
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Berkshire County Kids' Place is a Children's Advocacy Center which provides services to children that have experienced trauma related to abuse.
Professional development training, resources, and support to the artists, art managers, and creative workers of Berkshire County.
BEAT works with you to protect the environment for wildlife.
Support and advocacy for people with developmental disabilities, autism, and acquired brain injury. Clinical, vocational, residential, day habilitation, adult family care, social/recreation and individual support services.
771 South Church Street North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 664-9382 Website:
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Free healthy lunch to all. Served at noon, Monday through Friday.
First Congregational Church Main Street P.O. Box 651 North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413-664-7378 Website:
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Offering no cost lactation support services to North Berkshire families and anyone delivering at NARH.
Breastfeeding classes, hospital, home and telephone lactation consultations, playgroups, pump loan/rental.
Low cost transportation to work and training/education. Transportation for youth to youth development programs, transportation referrals
Outpatient counseling; inpatient, residential and day treatment; 24 hour crisis assessment and intervention; insurance and sliding scale fee.
Providing affordable rental communities, including Mohawk Forest Apartments in North Adams. Resident services: youth programs, family activities, neighborhood events and referrals and supports for residents.
201 Mohawk Forest Blvd. North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413-663-6900 Website:
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To access college volunteers or interns.
Programs, health testing, and transportation.
Programs, fitness classes, health testing, and transportation.
State-funded free civil legal assistance to low-income and elderly; specializes in elder law, government benefits, landlord-tenant and affordable housing issues; family law with a focus on domestic violence; and humanitarian-based immigration relief.
Counseling for Individuals, Families, Couples. Licensed therapists, Most insurances and HMO plans accepted.
A private, academic department of educational theater within a public school; offers full-credit courses in theater and presents a wide variety of theater performances
Counseling, intervention, referrals for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
We are a Bible teaching church whose mission is to love God, to love one another and together to share the love of God with others.
Food Pantry. Hours are: Wednesdays 11 am-2 pm and 4 pm-6pm.
43 Eagle St. North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 664-0123 Website: n/a
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Employment & training to individuals w/ barriers to employment; Clothes & more at Adams Store.
For children ages 3-5: Classroom education, home visiting, childcare-sliding fee.
21 Williams St., North Adams 46 Howland St, Adams North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 664-4829 (North Adams) Website:
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Providing access to locally grown, healthy, and sustainably-produced food: Subsidized CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares at Square Roots Farm; Growing a Row, Gleaning and other programs
Hoosic River Revival Coalition |
The Hoosic River in North Adams flows through downtown in concrete flood chutes. Our goal is to modify the chutes with 21st Century flood control systems that are aesthetically pleasing, provide access, encourage adjacent economic development and create recreational opportunities.
P.O.Box 434 North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413.664.7747
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River advocacy group: river monitoring; education programs and recreation events; promoting access, trails, boating, and fishing; and working with private, nonprofit and government agencies to maintain and restore river quality.
P.O. Box 667, Williamstown Williamstown, MA, MA 01267 Phone: (413) 458-2742 Website:
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We train people to work in Africa and Brazil. The Africa program is 18 months and Brazil is 9 months. We also have 2-3 internships available.
1117 Hancock Road WILLIAMSTOWN, MA 01267 Phone: 4134415126 Website:
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Independent, community movie theater, films 362 nights a year with matinées on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Collaborates with community groups to present many special events.
Proving philanthropic services and community events.
"Little Drummers is a volunteer group for children geared toward making a difference in the community, empowering children, and putting the focus on what we can GIVE, rather than GET in life."
Little Drummers is in it's third year of operation, we focus on one project a month.
Providing comprehensive homeless services since 1990 in Northern Berkshire through shelter,preventative, emergency and supportive housing services
Live theatre, contemporary, classic and new works. Now brought directly into neighborhood and community locations in Northern Berkshire.
MLK Martin Luther King Committee |
The MLK Committee, under the umbrella of the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition is a volunteer led committee that coordinates events that honor the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The main event is the Annual MLK community celebration on the annual holiday.
61 Main Street, Suite 218 North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413 663-7588
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"We promote mutual understanding and acceptance among diverse groups serving as a resource to both local institutions and the community at large."
The LINCS Parent Center is a program that provides resources to parents in order to assist them in being a part of their child's education.
Brayton Elementary School 20 Barbour Street North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413-664-7512 Website:
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Support and education to families and friends of individuals with mental illness; Referral services.
333 East St. Room 417 Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-443-1666 Website:
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Ambulance Service
Accredited senior care: short term rehab & recovery; long-term nursing care; Alzheimer's and dementia memory care; hospice services; respite care.
Programs, fitness classes, health testing, transportation.
116 Ashland St. North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 662-3125 Website: n/a
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We aim to preserve, promote and protect the history of our community through our quarterly journal and our North Adams Museum of History and Science.
PO Box 333 Bldg 5A Western Gateway Heritage State Park North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 413-664-4700 Website:
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Providing information and outreach to tourists and community members about North Adams features and annual events.
The SteepleCats organization is a collegiate summer baseball team that brings the best college baseball players from across the country!
Adult Basic Education ABE, GED, ESOL, TECH classes in Adams, N. Adams & Williamstown.
375 Church Street MCLA Freel Library @ Blankinton & Montana St., N. Adams North Adams, MA Phone: 413-662-5314 Website:
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Neighborhood, Prevention, Community, Family, & Youth Programs; Information and Referrals;
Local coverage of community events, issues, and programs.
Heritage State Park, Building #6 North Adams, MA, MA 01247 Phone: 413-663-9006 Website:
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Specialized housing for low-moderate income families.
Includes Northern Berkshire Regional Hospital, REACH and VNA & Hospice. Full-service community healthcare; support groups, education programs.
Providing resources from the community to assist our member agencies; sponsors special community impact initiatives; technical assistance to area non-profits
Recreation, Physical Health and Fitness, and social programs for all ages.
22 Brickyard Court North Adams, AK 01247 Phone: (413) 663-6529 Website:
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One-time, short-term family assistance for needs not serviced by other agencies.
c/o St. Elizabeth of Hungary North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 664-4835 Website: ---
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Food pantry on Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm. Clothing for all ages. Serving Adams, Cheshire & Savoy.
2 Columbia St. Adams, MA 01220 Phone: (413) 743-0577 Website: ---
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Quinns Legacy Foundation, Inc. was founded by Stephen and Ann Connally of Cheshire, MA., in memory of their son, Quinn, who died as the result of being struck in the neck by a hockey puck in December 2000. The foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing state-of-the-art athletic and educational support and to promoting self-esteem and sportsmanship for individuals and families of Berkshire County and the surrounding tri-state area.
Your contribution toward making the Quinn Connally Memorial Sports Facility a reality is greatly appreciated. Please send your tax deductible donations to:
Quinns Legacy Foundation, Inc.
c/o Berkshire Bank
66 West Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Serving North Adams, Florida, Clarksburg, & Williamstown for over 100 years. Budget planning clinics, Food Assistance, and General family and community support. Some assistance for fuel, rent, and clothing assistance.
educational museum to honor the legacy of Susan B. Anthony; open to the public from Memorial Day to Columbus Day, 11 am to 4 pm on Thursday through Monday.
Accredited nursing home facility: extended-stay nursing care to seniors with varying levels of disabilities.
1611 Cold Spring Rd. Williamstown, MA 01267 Phone: (413) 458-8127 Website: n/a
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Independent living.
Supplemental food program for Women, Infants and Children (under five years of age): healthy food, nutrition, health education, and breastfeeding information.
Accredited Senior care: short term rehab and recovery; long term nursing care; Alzheimer's and dementia memory care; hospice services; respite care.
Programs, meals, information and transportation.
367 Mohawk Trail Florida, MA 01247 Phone: (413)662-2811 Website: n/a
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Each summer the Williamstown Theatre Festival brings over 400 established and aspiring theatre artists to the Berkshires for two months of theatre.
Social, recreational and educational programs; drop-in after-school; Summer camp; Community Events.
Other Berkshire Agencies: Association for Community Living (The) At The Association for Community Living we support individuals with developmental disabilities in residential settings. our employees provide individuals with assistance in daily living skills. They also help foster maximum participation in community activities and make a positive difference in the lives of our program participants, along with performing a variety of routine direct care duties to support and individuals with developmental disabilities and to promote their dignity, safety, health, welfare rights and development following established individualized services and procedures, specified program standards and procedures.
101 Munson St Greenfield , MA Phone: (413)774-3495
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18 Degrees Partnering with families is the best way to promote healthy, happy children to make strong families and better communities.
480 West Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 14132816430 Website:
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1Berkshire 1Berkshire is the official regional economic development organization serving the entire county with its innovative approach.
American Cancer Society Medical transportation.
123 no real address St. Pittsfield, MA 01247 Phone: (413) 493-2100 Phone 2: 800-227-2345 Website:
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Aston Magna Foundation for Music and the Humanities, Inc. Aston Magna performs a summer concert series at the Daniel Art Center at Simon Rock College in Great Barrington, The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA and at Bard College, Annanadale on Hudson, NY.
Austen Riggs Center The Austen Riggs Center is a small, non profit, open psychiatric continuum of care specializing in the therapeutic treatment of psychiatric disorders. Internationally known for its respectful work with emotionally troubled individuals who have failed to benefit from previous treatment, Riggs is located in the small town of Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
For over 85 years, the Austen Riggs Center has offered long-term residential and hospital-level psychiatric treatment provided by psychiatrists and psychologists who have advanced and specialized training. From hospital to residential to supervised and unsupervised apartment living, Riggs provides continuity of care.
Autism Treatment Center of America We teach The Son-Rise Program®, a powerful and effective treatment for children and adults challenged by Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Aspergers and all other developmental difficulties.
Bard College At Simon's Rock Daniel's Art Party presented by Bard College at Simon's Rock is a June celebration of performing arts created by Artistic Director, Ken Roht. 6/12-7/1
Bard College at Simon's Rock/ Daniel Arts Center 84 Alford Road Great Barrington, MA 01230 Phone: 413-528-7400 Website:
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Barrington Stage Co
122 North Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 4134995446
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Barrington Stage Company Barrington Stage Company (BSC), founded in 1995, is a not-for-profit professional theatre company in the Berkshires (MA), with a three-fold mission: to produce top-notch, compelling work; to develop new plays and musicals; and to find fresh, bold ways of bringing new audiences into the theatre, especially young people. Check out website for more information on educational programs for youth and our season information
Baseball in the Berkshires Our mission is to deliver programs that highlight the cultural & historical part of Baseball in the Berkshires - offering educational programs to all.
P.O. Box 218 Lenoxdale, MA 01242 Phone: 413-822-6738
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Baseball in the Berkshires Our mission is to present exhibits and educational programs that will assist in telling the story of Baseball in the Berkshires.
Becket Arts Center Gallery Hours
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 10am-4pm., Sunday noon-4pm.
Arts Center is closed Wednesdays – see calendar for exceptions.
Berkshire AHEC, Inc. Berkshire AHEC advances access to high quality healthcare & healthy lifestyles through academic and community partnerships.
Berkshire Area Health Education Center Continuing professional education for physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists and all other health related professions; Continuing education credits for training events; Collaboration development and support; Prevention activities; Health planning and Youth Health Service Corps.
703 W. Housatonic Street, Suite 208 Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-447-2417; tollfree 866-976-2432 Website:
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Berkshire Botanical Garden The Berkshire Botanical Garden is a not-for-profit, membership-supported educational organization encompassing 15 acres of cultivated land at the intersection of Routes 102 and 183 in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Berkshire Choral Festival If you love choral singing, a week at Berkshire Choral Festival is an experience you’ll cherish forever.
Berkshire Choral Festival was founded in 1982 with a unique purpose: to provide choral singers with the opportunity to rehearse and perform masterpieces of the choral repertoire under the direction of world-class conductors and with the help of a professional musical staff.
245 North Undermountain Road Sheffield, MA 01257 Phone: 413-229-8526 Website:
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Berkshire Community College Service-Learning Berkshire Community College's Service Learning focuses on blending academics, service, and reflection to strengthen our students' performance.
1350 West Street Office SBA 119 Pittsfield, MA Phone: 413-236-2177
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Berkshire County ARC Berkshire County Arc is a non-profit, tax exempt, human services organization which offers a broad range of community-based services to individuals with developmental disabilities or brain injuries. Berkshire County Arc programs are located throughout Berkshire and Hampden counties in Massachusetts.
395 South Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-499-4241 Website:
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Berkshire County Educational Associates BCEA provides tutoring, remediation, and other educational interventions for at-risk individuals and individuals with disabilities.
BCEA acts as a source of information for the members regarding various aspects of the education of at-risk individuals and individuals with disabilities.
BCEA gives direction to all groups dealing with the education of at-risk individuals and individuals with disabilities.
BCEA acts as a liaison among groups dealing with the education of at-risk individuals and individuals with disabilities.
19 Pine Street Pittsfield, MA MA Phone: 413-448-8474
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Berkshire County Regional Employment Board The mission of the Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc. (BCREB) is to provide leadership for workforce development in Berkshire County by facilitating the development of and access to education, training and employment opportunities designed to meet the needs of the regions employers and diverse workforce.
Berkshire Dream Center The Berkshire Dream Center exists to love and serve others. We provide hope by meeting both tangible and spiritual needs.
Come bless others with us!
Berkshire Family History Association The objective of this organization is to promote, educate, and encourage the study of family history and genealogy.
Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth Our mission is to
to strengthen children and families so they can live safely, independently, and productively within their home communities.
Berkshire Hills Chorus The Berkshire Hills Chorus of Sweet Adelines rehearses every Tuesday night, except in December. Rehearsals are from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center (formerly known as Girls, Inc.), 165 East Street, Pittsfield. Guests, please enter through the front door. Our director is Valeri Reynolds, a very dynamic and talented woman with a broad musical background
Berkshire HorseWorks Berkshire HorseWorks provides Equine Assisted Psychotherapy services to at-risk youth, veterans and families.
Berkshire Housing Development The mission of Berkshire Housing Development Corporation (BHDC) is to improve the quality of life for residents of Berkshire County by increasing affordable housing opportunities; delivering community development programs and projects; and operating a professional management company.
Berkshire Humane Society In addition to adoptions, our services include dog training classes, educational programs in local schools, a childrens summer camp, low-cost spay/neuter assistance, health clinics and a pet food bank. We also assist those who are having behavioral problems with their pets.
Berkshire Immigrant Center Support, advocacy, information and referral for immigrants, especially assistance with U.S. immigration system. Serves immigrant in Berkshires.
Berkshire Medical Center Volunteer Care Partner Program (Helping Hands). The purpose of this program is to provide caring support for patients who do not have family or friends available. The goal is to prevent loneliness and isolation, and reduce the anxiety of illness and hospitalization.Volunteers may do things such as visiting with patients, helping to set up a meal tray, taking patients for wheelchair walks, and activities like playing cards or assembling puzzles.
Berkshire Medical Reserve Corps The MRC builds resilient communities and enhances emergency response capacity with trained/vetted volunteers and community outreach. We'll train you!
29 Lewis St 29 Lewis Ave Great Barrington, MA 01950 Phone: 4135394115
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Berkshire Mountains Faerie Festival The Adams Arts Advisory Board runs this annual all day event for the community. We are a 501 c(3). We need volunteers to help on June 15th from 8-10.
Berkshire Museum Berkshire Museum aims to bring people together by making inspiring connections with art, history, and natural science.
39 South Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413.443.7171
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Berkshire Pathways A vocational rehabilitation center working with adults with mental illness in finding employment, housing, and educational needs. Lunch served daily.
53 Eagle Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 4134647949 Website:
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Berkshire South Regional Community Center We provide a wide variety of programming for all ages. We offer Youth Programming for After School, Vacation Days, Teacher In-Service Days and Summer Camp. Our Early Childhood Education programming includes a licenced preschool, preschool enrichment classes, playgroups and water classes. Other programming includes specialized Aquatic and Fitness classes as well as a number of clubs and Community Events.
Berkshire Stonewall Community Coalition BSCC provides a monthly adult support group, a monthly youth support group, a bimonthly calendar of events of interest to the GLBT community, a telephone Infoline (number is 413-243-8484), infisocials and other educational events, a speakers bureau, pot lock suppers, a yearly festival and other events.BSCC
P.O. Box 4921 Pittsfield, MA 01202 Phone: (413) 243-8484
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Berkshire United Way Berkshire United Way works to solve the most pressing problems in the Berkshires by building collaborations among businesses, non-profits, faith-based groups, donors, volunteers and the public sector. Together the community identifies needs, develops solutions, and invests in programs that attack root causes and deliver meaningful and measurable results - all to create sustainable changes in Berkshire County.
Berkshire Visitors Bureau The mission of the Berkshire Visitors Bureau is to increase the number, the length & the frequency of visits to Berkshire County by promoting its cultural, scenic, recreational, historic & commercial attributes.
66 Allen St. Pittsfield , MA 01201 Phone: 413 743 4500 Website:
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Boy Scouts of America, Western Massachusetts Council The Boy Scouts of America offers programs for young men and women that provide citizenship training, character building, mental and physical fitness.
Boys & Girls Club of the Berkshires Mission- to enhance the quality of life for our youth as participating members of a richly diverse society.
16 Melville Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 4134488258
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Catholic Youth Center Our programs and services offer a safe environment for youth and families. We offer an After School Program, Recreational & Sports instruction and programs, a Service Society, Summer Camp and more.
26 Melville St. Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-445-5496
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Center for Regenerative Ecological Education & Enterprise Development We help people reconnect to their health at our healing sanctuary, and need support constructing trails, in the garden, building platforms, and more.
Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization that builds homes, communities and hope.
Chesterwood Chesterwood is the historic home, studio and gardens of America's foremost sculptor of public monuments Daniel Chester French (1850-1931)
Child Care of the Berkshires Inc. Child Care of the Berkshires, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that has been serving families and children in Berkshire County since 1969. The mission of CCB is to promote and strengthen families in Berkshire County by offering high quality child care and support services.
PO Box 172 (former Haskins School) 210 State St. North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 664-4821 Website:
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CHP-South Berkshire Community Coalition The mission of SBCC is to prevent and/or delay the onset of alcohol and other drug use among youth in South Berkshire County in a long-term and sustainable manner and to empower the community by advancing community generated ideas.
Close Encounter With Music lose Encounters With Music Makes History as it Moves Its High Peaks Festival to the Cultural Berkshires
Community Access to the Arts CATA offers over 1,000 individual classes in painting, drawing, dance, juggling, poetry, yoga, acting, collage,singing and drumming. Classes take place in our studio at 70 Railroad Street and in 26 different educational, therapeutic, and cultural settings. Our art is shared with the public through our annual performance and Gala in May, our annual art show and poetry reading, and other special events throughout the year.
Community Enterprises Inc. Community Enterprises, Inc. supports self-determination for individuals with disabilities to actively live learn, and work in the community.
Community Health Programs CHPs mission is to provide quality health care and wellness services to people of all ages in southern and central Berkshire County regardless of their insurance status, immigrant status, or ability to pay. CHP has served Berkshire County since 1975, when it was founded as Children’s Health Program, a pediatric health clinic. In 2000, the agency obtained federal designation for its health center, opening its doors to adults and elders as Community Health Programs. Today, CHP serves over 10,000 people of all ages via nine programs: two Federally Qualified Health Centers – in Great Barrington and in Pittsfield, MA; CHP Family Support Services (comprised of CHP First Steps, our early intervention program; CHP Family Network, providing educational playgroups for children age 0-5 throughout our service area and parent education and social support; and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) providing healthy food and nutrition education to eligible families); CHP Dental Center, a comprehensive dental practice, opened in 2008; CHP Barrington OB/GYN, comprehensive women’s health care services; the South Berkshire Youth Coalition, working to reduce substance abuse among youth; and a federally funded Care Coordination Program offering preventive cancer screenings for women 40-64 yrs old.
Cooking Matters Cooking Matters is an initiative of the No Kid Hungry campaign, which works to end childhood hunger in America.
383 Dorchester Ave. Boston, MA 02127 Phone: 617-936-0019
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Dalton Cooperative Nursery School, Inc. The Dalton Cooperative Nursery School, Inc. (DCNS) is a community service for all three and four year old children of Dalton and the surrounding communities. It is not a child-care program, but is an educational supplement to the home environment, offering opportunities for experiences that promote social, physical, emotional and intellectual growth. We believe that the years from three to five are of vital importance. At these ages, children are ready and eager to learn. The nursery school can provide first-hand experiences to enrich the child’s background and further stimulate his or her desire to learn.
514 Main Street Dalton, MA 01226 Phone: (413) 684-1064
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Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. The mission of Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. is to foster the on-going growth and vitality of downtown through vision, leadership and advocacy and to position downtown as the creative and business hub of the Berkshires for the benefit of all.
33 Dunham Mall Suite 101 Pittsfield, MA Phone: 413.443.6501
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Ecu-Health Care Health Care access: Help enrolling in affordable health care & public insurance programs.
Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. Elder Services is a non-profit organization providing a wide variety of services to the elders of Berkshire County, Massachusetts and their families.
877 South Street, Suite 4E Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413.499.0524 Website:
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Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. Elder Services is your partner in caring for and living as a #BerkshireSenior.
877 South St Suite 4E Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 4134990524 Website:
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Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter The Friends of Eleanor Sonsini Shelter, Inc., a non-profit volunteer organization, assumed operation of the shelter from the city of Pittsfield in 2006.
Sunday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Tuesday & Thursday: 4pm - 8pm
Monday: Adoptions/surrenders by appointment only
Downing Industrial Park Pittsfield, MA Phone: (413) 448-9750
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Flying Cloud Institute The mission of FCI is to inspire young people and educators through dynamic science and art experiences that ignite creativity.
Four Winds, Inc. Programs for youth, teachers and adults in the areas of holistic education, self development and dialogue.
We also are home to GATE, the Global Alliance for Transforming Education.
Friends of Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter The Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated for the purpose of protecting animals from cruelty, neglect or abuse.
Friends of the National Archives Pittsfield The Friends support the National Archives volunteer program, offer research services to people unable to visit the facility, provide workshops and an annual conference to promote genealogy research and publish a quarterly award-winning newsletter, Archival Anecdotes.
Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
301 Kelly Way Holyoke, MA 01040 Phone: 5087493623 Website:
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Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts (GSCWM) is in the forefront of helping girls develop the courage, confidence and character to make a difference in their own lives, in their communities and in the world.
Girls Incorporated of the Berkshires We are an affiliate of National Girls Incorporated, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Our program shares this mission and we offer innovative programs that help girls confront subtle societal messages about their value and potential, and prepare them to lead successful, independent, and fulfilling lives. Specific national programs address resisting harmful substances, community action, teen pregnancy prevention, science, math & technology, sports and fitness, media messages, self-defense and violence prevention, lifeskills, economic literacy and financial concepts. This program serves girls ages 5-18 with a specific emphasis on teens.
Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center, Inc. We are a multi-service organization empowering children and youth, with a special emphasis on girls, to become responsible, confident and personally fulfilled individuals.
Our Programs
The Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center is committed to providing programs and activities that will help children and youth achieve their full potential. We provide a supportive environment that includes opportunities for active involvement with peers and caring, understanding adults. Click on a link below to read more about each program or Read more.
• ABC School Age Enrichment
• Aquatics
• Camps Stevenson-Witawentin
• Early Childhood Education
• Girls Incorporated of the Berkshires
• Youth Empowerment Services (YES)
• Outreach Program -Youth Empowerment Services Plus (Y.E.S. Plus)
Gould Farm The services at the farm remain rooted in the belief that every person has something to contribute despite mental or emotional limitations. Central to the farm model is a structured, supportive work environment for guests. Volunteers, staff, and guests alike work together to run this 600-acre farm, whether tending to the gardens or roadside store, pasteurizing milk, or preparing wholesome meals. When guests can demonstrate an adequate understanding of their strengths and vulnerabilities, the Boston Program serves as a short-term springboard for practicing life skills necessary for living in an urban environment.
Greylock Girl Scouts Girl Scouts is the oldest and largest organization dedicated in forming leadership skills in girls from K through 12th grade.
117 A Stryker Rd Florida, MA 01247 Phone: 4134416216
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Greylock Language & Learning Center, Inc. For individuals with learning disabilities, Greylock Language and Learning Center offers affordable language tutoring (remedial, pre-GED, GED preparation).
46 Howland Avenue, Ste. 3 Adams, MA 01220 Phone: 413-743-8475
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Guidewire, Inc. A human service agency providing residential & day supports to individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric conditions.
Hebert Arboretum at Springside Park The Hebert Arboretum is a living tree library situated within one of Pittsfield's premier city resources Springside Park.
874 North Street P.O. Box 344 Pittsfield, MA 01202 Phone: 413-443-5348
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Herman Melville Arrowhead Herman Melville Arrowhead presents a series of public programs year-round relating to Herman Melville and his life in the Berkshires. Ranging from lectures to discussion groups to special events, these programs educate and entertain.
A full range of programs for school children is also presented.
780 Holmes Road Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: (413) 442-1793 Website:
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Hillcrest Educational Centers, Inc. Hillcrest Educational Centers provides individualized and comprehensive clinical, psychological and special education services for children, adolescents and families in Berkshire County, MA and the Northeast. The students served by Hillcrest have complex psychiatric, behavioral and/or developmental disorders, including autism, and a variety of high risk behaviors. Hillcrest programs and services are state licensed and certified, and the agency is accredited in behavioral health care by the Joint Commission. HEC programs include a therapeutic day education program, three residential treatment centers, and Hillcrest Psychological Services for children, adolescents and adults. Hillcrest also operates Hillcrest Dental Care, a family dental practice and the largest provider in Western Massachusetts for MassHealth recipients and special needs patients. Hillcrest is affiliated with Berkshire County Kid’s Place & Violence Prevention Center, a fully accredited Children’s Advocacy Center for victims of child abuse and domestic violence and their non-offending family members.
788 South Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-499-7924 x133 Website:
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Hilltown Families, Inc. Creating resilient and sustainable communities by developing and strengthening a sense of place through community based education and engagement.
Horizons for Homeless Children Horizons for Homeless Children is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and services for young homeless children throughout MA.
HospiceCare in The Berkshires, Inc. For over 30 years, HospiceCare in The Berkshires has offered quality, compassionate services for those living with a life limiting or terminal illness. The HospiceCare interdisciplinary team of professionals help the patient and family members make a plan of care to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient and the family.
HospiceCare serves patients wherever they live: in the hospital, skilled nursing facility, assisted living, their own home or that of a relative or loved one.
877 South Street Suite 1 West Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: 413-443-2994 Website:
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IS183 Art School of the Berkshires IS183 Art School of the Berkshires offers classes and workshops in drawing, painting, ceramics, fiber arts, jewelry making and more for children, teens and adults, year-round in the studios of its historic landmark home in the Interlaken village of Stockbridge. IS183 is located at 13 Willard Hill Road, just off Route 183 via Trask Lane. Scholarships and Work-Exchange opportunities are available.
PO Box 1400/ 13 Willard Hill Rd. Stockbridge, MA 01262 Phone: 413-298-5252 Website:
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Jacob's Pillow Dance JPD strives to support dance creation, presentation, education, and preservation; and to engage and deepen public appreciation and support for dance
Jewish Federation of the Berkshires The Jewish Federation of the Berkshires provides the following programs and services to the community: Older Adult Kosher Hot Meal Program (congregate and home delivered meals); Social Work Services providing greatly needed service to homebound constituents, seniors, and other individuals and families seeking counseling from a Jewish perspective; the Berkshire Jewish Voice, a 10-times a year newspaper, published with the goal of keeping the Berkshire Jewish Community informed of local, national, and world news of Jewish interest; community educational and cultural programming ranging from adult education to community celebrations and trips and the funding of affiliate organizations and outside agencies.
Josh Bressette Commit To Save A Life We are a heroin recovery financial assistance program. we help pay for the necessary services needed for a person to recover from heroin addiction.
Junior Achievement of Western Massachusetts Business, Community & College volunteers are placed in classrooms and after-school programs to implement curricula which address business and economic concepts and workforce skills that build in intensity from Kindergarten through grade twelve.
1500 Main St. Ste. 217/PO Box 15167 Springfield, MA 01115 Phone: 413-747-7670 Website:
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Junior League of Berkshire County JLBC is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving our community.
Knights of Columbus #230 Fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, including war and disaster relief & actively defending Catholicism.
Lee Community Tennis Association The Lee Community Tennis Association provides affordable tennis instruction and leagues for all ages and levels of ability. We have over 400 active members learning and playing tennis on 8 local public hard courts and multiple clay courts. Group and private tennis lessons are provided by our PTR certified instructor. We believe tennis should be fun, affordable, and accessible to the entire community.
Lee Community Tennis Association, Inc. 501(c)3 delivering affordable tennis programs to adults & children. Maintain and improve 10 tennis courts at 3 sites in Lee - the MS/HS, LeeAF, GCC.
POBox 265 110 Mill St. Lee, MA 01238 Phone: 413-243-3240 Website:
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Lee Youth Association Since 1980, the Lee Youth Association has been serving the children and working families in Lee and surrounding communities. Currently the LYA operates almost 30 programs onsite and offsite serving a total enrollment of 850 young people from ages 2 years 9 months to 25 years old. Our programs focus on the social, healthy, educational and recreational development of children and young adults. They include the coordination of various sports leagues from Pre-K through young adult as well as before and after school care, Homework Help, the Busy Bee Preschool and teen programs.
Literacy Network of South Berkshire We provide free one-on-one tutoring to adults who live or work in southern Berkshire County. Our trained volunteer tutors help students learn to read and write better; to learn English; or to prepare for the GED or US Citizenship exams.
Literacy Network of South Berkshire LitNet provides free, one-on-one tutoring to adults in the Berkshires in ESOL, adult basic education, and citizenship test preparation.
Living in Recovery (Servicenet) Living in Recovery is a community recovery center. Aiding the central berkshires recovery community and those impacted by substance use disorder
MASS MoCA Performing arts and museum events; The museum thrives on making and presenting work that is fresh, surprising, and challenging
Moments House, Inc A place where no one feels alone
We are working to provide a warm home-like location where all Berkshire County residents living with a cancer diagnosis.
We plan to offer integrative care to the patient and their family and friends. They will be able to find out about services available in our area and comfort and support one another through their shared experiences.
Services and programs will include art therapies, mind and body therapies, dance and music, yoga, touch, workshops, support groups, social activities, and bereavement services.
These services will be geared to all including patient, spouses, caregivers, children, siblings, friends.
Specific programs will be geared toward all groups; men, women, children, teens, and will be flexible and dependent upon the needs of our community.
Music in Common, Inc. FODfest, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to strengthen, empower, and educate communities through the universal language of music.
FODfest produces free, publicly accessible concerts, youth programs, and multimedia productions that promote its community-building mission with an interest in serving under-served areas and communities where there is a history of conflict.
National Shrine of The Divine Mercy The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy helps Catholic pilgrims connect with their faith in a real way through two major events in the year.
adr 123 city, AK 12345 Phone: 1231231231
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Noble farm We are a nonprofit animal sanctuary for all humans with all abilities to learn,healand grow
We offer individualized programs to fit your needs
Norman Rockwell Museum Norman Rockwell Museum is dedicated to education and art appreciation inspired by the legacy of Norman Rockwell. The museum preserves, studies and communicates with a worldwide audience the life, art and spirit of Norman Rockwell in the field of illustration.
The museum is a gathering place for reflection, involvement, and discovery through the enjoyment of the artist’s work. Norman Rockwells unique contributions to art and society, popular culture and social commentary influence the museum’s programs and interpretations.
9 Glendale Ave. P.O. Box 308 Stockbridge, MA 01201 Phone: (413) 298-4100 Website:
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Northeast Center for Youth and Families, Inc. The Northeast Center for Youth and Families, Inc. is a local foster care agency. We contract with Department of Children and Families, Department of Mental Health, and Department of Youth Services to provide foster care services for youth in Berkshire County and across the state. We have a number of wonderful foster homes in Berkshire County, and are always looking for more homes to join our team!
Our social workers on staff provide ongoing support and case management to you and the child(ren) placed in your home. There is a tax free stipend of $50 - $75 per day per child. All trainings needed for foster parents are offered in Berkshire County.
Northern Berkshire Adult Education Adult Education & English for Speakers of Other Languages. We provide classes, tutoring, and services to support students in all capacities & needs.
Northern Berkshire Community Television Corp. We provide access television production facilities, training & channels for the citizens of North Adams, Adams, Clarksburg, and Cheshire.
69 Union Street North Adams, MA 01247 Phone: 4136639006 Website:
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Option Institute We offer personal growth workshops that provide practical tools and strategies to help people worldwide live happier and more fulfilling lives.
2080 S. Undermountain Rd Sheffield,, MA 01257 Phone: 413-229-2100 Website:
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at BCC OLLI at BCC is a member-led organization for mature learners that offers non-credit courses for its members on a variety of topics that reflect a broad spectrum of interests. Classes are held throughout Berkshire County. There are no tests and no papers, just the opportunity to enjoy learning!
Pittsfield Community Connection PCC combines public health & safety approaches to eliminate youth violence through mentorship & community engagement, education and employment.
Pittsfield Family YMCA We strengthen communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.
recivery learning community r.l.c. provides support for persons who have had mental health diagnosis,experienced extreme emotional states and a variety of challenges in life.
152 north st suite 230 pittsfield, MA Phone: 413-358-8558
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Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic® (RFB&D) works with leading publishers and technology innovators to bring accessible materials to individuals with visual and learning disabilities.
Available in every grade level and most subjects, RFB&D textbook and literature titles are used nationwide. In addition to the classics, RFB&Ds digial library provides current editions of state adopted texts ensuring students learn from the same versions as their classmates. Our textbooks, literature titles and other adult resource books are suitable for individuals, students and working professionals so that all can participate in lifelong learning.
RFB&D currently has more than 5,400 active volunteers nationwide who help bring textbook and literature titles to life for our members. Subject matter experts describe charts and graphs in math, science and other textbooks in order for the listener to receive the complete book experience. Each year their dedication and hard work allow us to add thousands of new digital books to our library.
Rejoice Children's Services "Our mission is to provide natural and essential healthcare to every child locally and globally regardless of their ability to pay"
Riverbrook Residence Inc. Riverbrook Residence is a residential and day care program for women with developmental disabilities. Here at Riverbrook, we take the will to succeed, and we nurture it. With personal care, 24 hours a day. And endless activities, from skating to singing lessons. Jobs at the local inn to nights at the symphony. The result is a group of women who are more accomplished and confident with each passing day.
P.O. Box 478, 4 Ice Glen Road Stockbridge, MA 01262 Phone: 413-298-4926 Website:
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Sand Springs Recreational Center Sand Springs Recreational Center, Inc. (SSRC), is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit charged with managing the Sand Springs pool in Williamstown, Massachusetts.
Sandisfield Arts Center Performing arts series features local, regional, national and internationally recognized performers. Special events include poetry readings, art shows, historic house and garden tours and cafe-style performance series.
Shakespeare & Company Founded in 1978 Shakespeare & Company in Lenox, MA offers staged performances, education, and actor-training. Many volunteer opportunities available.
South Berkshire Community Coalition Our mission is to prevent and/or delay the onset of alcohol and other drug use among youth in South County in a long term and sustainable manner and to empower the community by advancing community generated ideas.
Southern Berkshire Elderly Transportation Corp. (SBETC) Door to door service to south county residents age 55 and older or with a disability of any age for any personal need. Lift accessible vehicles
917 Main Street Great Barrington, MA 01230 Phone: 4135284773
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Southern Berkshire Volunteer Ambulance Squad, Inc. Licensed as a Paramedic level, Southern Berkshire Volunteer Ambulance Squad Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 Emergency Medical Service governed by a Board of Directors and administered by a Director of Operations. It first began operation in 1978 when it was determined that a non-hospital based ambulance service was needed. Today, Southern Berkshire Ambulance provides 911 paramedic services to most of the Southern Berkshires including the towns of Alford, Egremont, Great Barrington, Housatonic, Monterey, MT Washington and Sheffield. We have a fleet of 3 ambulances located in our headquarters behind Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
For over 40 years Southern Berkshire Ambulance has been providing ambulance service to the area working in partnership with surrounding Fire Departments and EMS agencies. We also provide Paramedic Intercept Service to South County ambulance services transporting into Fairview Hospital and Berkshire Medical Center in addition to Paramedic level Intra-facility Transport.
Our motto "Serving Southern Berkshire Since 1968” represents the Pride, Proficiency and Professionalism demonstrated by our staff’s commitment to providing out of hospital medical care. Our professional staff is extremely capable and dedicated. Southern Berkshire draws its strength from the skill and dedication of its staff and volunteers which we believe is our most important asset.
Southern Berkshire Volunteer Ambulance Squad, Inc. is an EOE.
31 Lewis Avenue Great Barrington, MA 01230 Phone: 413-528-3632 Website:
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Susan B Anthony Birthplace Museum We are a museum dedicated to promoting the legacy of Susan B Anthony.
The Berkshire Writers Room Inc. We meet monthly in small groups to share our work, to invite and offer constructive comment and reassurance.
We regularly hold meetings on the commercial aspects of the craft of writing. We publish The Berkshire Review annually. We host frequent open readings throughout Berkshire County as well as present other events.
The Clark Art Institute World class art museum, art library and research institute.
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts The mission of The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts is to work with our community to reduce hunger and increase food security. Since 1982, The Food Bank has been working behind the scenes of charitable organizations that provide food to people in need in western Massachusetts. Our 300 member agency programs include meal sites, food pantries, homeless shelters, childcare centers, and elder programs.
The Helen Berube Teen Parent Program The Helen Berube Teen Parent Program is an alternative education site which services Pittsfields population of young mothers and their infants. Pregnant and parenting teens, under the age of 21 years, enroll in the program in an attempt to earn their high school diploma or obtain their General Equivalency Diploma (GED). The Helen Berube Teen Parent program offers an on-site, liscenced daycare. The Teen Parent Program provides support services in a 180-day school calendar year.
290 South Street; P.O. Box 1036 Pittsfield, MA 01202 Phone: (413) 443-2530
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The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.
The Nutrition Center We provide nutrition counseling (almost always insurance reimbursable), cooking programs for children and adults, our summer farmers market,and a community garden.
The Option Institute The Option Institute was founded in 1983 as a non-profit learning center where we work with individuals, couples, families and groups. We are the International Learning and Training Center for The Option
The Orion Society The Orion Societys programs include:
* Orion magazine, a national bi-monthly magazine that has for twenty five years published top nature writers, photographers, and artists.
* The Orion Grassroots Network, which provides mentoring and services to grassroots advocacy organizations nationally
* Environmental Education, through books and services to teachers; and
* The publication of books, creation of events, and other programs that inspire and energize.
The Scientific Alliance for Education The Scientific Alliance for Education is dedicated to promoting awareness of specific health issues that affect the general population.
561 Shunpike Rd Sheffield, MA 01257 Phone: 413-229-9042
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The Trustees of Reservations "The Trustees preserve, for public use and enjoyment, properties of exceptional scenic, historic, and ecological value in MA.\"
UCP of Western Massachusetts Support advocacy & Services for adults and children with disabilities including groups, programs, and equipment loaning.
Ventfort Hall Ventfort Hall is a historic house museum belonging to Sarah Morgan and is being restored as a venue and historic property.
104 Walker St Lenox, MA 01240 Phone: 413-637-3206 Website:
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Visionaries, Inc. Visionaries, Inc. was founded in 1993 on the principle that television can be used as an instrument of service. For nearly ten years, Visionaries, Inc. has been producing The Visionaries series for public television. Hosted by Sam Waterston of Law & Order, the 14-part documentary series highlights nonprofit organizations all around the world that are working to make positive social change.
P.O. Box 458, 1375 Boardman Street Sheffield, MA MA Phone: (413) 229-0350 Website:
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Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires is a volunteer-based community organization of local healthcare professionals and laypersons, supported by a small paid staff. Our volunteers are physicians, nurse practitioners and nurses; dentists, hygienists and dental assistants; optometrists; psychiatrists and therapists; acupuncturists and nutritionists. They are supported by lay volunteers who serve as administrators, office staff, fundraisers and interpreters. Together we provide free healthcare to people between the ages of 19 and 64,living and working in the Berkshire region who are currently uninsured. We offer our patients a modern, well-equipped, fully staffed healthcare facility with medical, dental, optometry and mental health counseling services. Our primary goal, beyond treating episodic events, is to provide ongoing care and bring patients into the healthcare system, while educating them on how to self-manage their health conditions.
Walnut Woods Inc Educational workshops for abuse survivors. on healing, self-growth, dating violence prevention, entrepreneurship skills and transitional housing.
WAM Theatre WAM Theatre: founded in 2010 by Kristen van Ginhoven to create theatre for everyone, focusing on women theatre artists & stories of women and girls.
Western Massachusetts Council, Boy Scouts of America The Western Massachusetts Council provides Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting & Venturing through community organizations throughout Berkshire, Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin Counties. We also offer the Learning For Life program for K-12 youngsters in school districts.
WIC Berkshire North/Central WIC provides nutrition education and counseling, free nutritious food and access to health care to low-to-moderate income pregnant women, infants, and children up to 5.
510 North St. Suite 5 , Pittsfield, MA 71 Hospital Ave. North Adams, MA North Adams/Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: (413) 447-3495 / (413) 663--3012 Website:
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Williamstown Historical Museum The Williamstown Historical Museum is Williamstown's History Center where you can discover more about the "Village Beautiful."
Women's Money Matters Building the financial wellness, confidence, and security of women and girls living on low-incomes through a unique one-to-one mentor program
Word Street Word Street is a portable and static drop-in tutoring service. Students can stop by for help with anything related to reading or writing, for school assignments or independent literary projects. We are also a membership-based writers organization. We offer free creative writing workshops for kids and discounted ones for adult writers.