Title :
Hebert Arboretum Pruners & Gardeners
Volunteer Schedule :
One-Time Volunteers
Ongoing Volunteers
Time Frame :
We meet 3 mornings or afternoons a week. Meeting times are flexible and volunteers come when they can.
education / literacy
arts & culture
Join us where you can receive hands-on instruction in gardening and the care of trees and shrubs, as well as receive free trees and plants to take home.
Pruning and gardening skills are helpful but not necessary. We can help you learn these skills if you are interested.
Hebert Arboretum at Springside Park
The Hebert Arboretum is a living tree library situated within one of Pittsfield's premier city resources Springside Park.

874 North Street
P.O. Box 344
Pittsfield, MA 01202
Phone: 413-443-5348
Contact Person:
Elizabeth Kulas

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